
Photo ReVamp

My sweet hubby, the shutterbug, has offered his expert services to retake the photos for my Etsy store! It's going to look so sharp! Hoping to get all the photos completed and updated tomorrow. Let me know what you think! www.aidensspark.etsy.com

My photos

His photos. Much better!



I'm working on a new project this week. I purchased a few different baby outfits and I'm going to create matching hats for each outfit. These would be great gifts for baby showers or birthdays! More pictures to come.



I realized today that summer is almost gone, so I started working on a new design that represents summer to me. It's not complete yet, but you'll be able to find the final version in my Etsy store (aidensspark.etsy.com). For those other summer lovers out there, wear a bright symbol of summer all fall and winter to remind you of the defrost to come!


The Etsy shop is up!!

Please visit my Etsy shop: aidensspark.etsy.com

There are currently 60 different items on the site. You can see some of those items on the right side of this blog. Contact me via Etsy for any custom orders!